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OSTF Minutes 01-09-2012

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Betty Warren, Carol Heffler, Michael Gantick, Karl Reichle, Herb Asplund, Viney Wilson, George Caye, David Romejko
Call to Order: Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:30.
Public Participation: Dr. Anwar, our Council liaison asked that we start the meeting with the pledge of allegiance. We did. He then told us that the town will proceed with the advertising of the 765 Sullivan Avenue property left after the construction of the firehouse as two pieces. The wetlands will be retained as part of the Donnelly preserve.
Herb asked that the pledge be added to our agenda, which was agreed upon.
Dr. Anwar left for Hartford at 5:45.
Minutes: The minutes of 11/14/2011 were accepted as presented.
New Business: First to be discussed was input for a general brochure on OSTF and preservation of open space. The last one was distributed 5-6 years ago. Pat Botteron passed out a handout of her suggestions. It could be piggybacked with another mailing that might be done by Public Works or other town agency. Discussion followed as to what should be included. For example: Purpose of open space; need for open space (cost effectiveness as well as ecological value); who can be contacted if a property owner wishes to sell to the town; methods of preserving open space- donations, lease, and several methods of purchase, including development rights purchase; other agencies that preserve open space—Land trust, DEP,eg. The question was raised as to need for a pamphlet. Might we better print out some info and point out a few places where more information can be found? The best place to put information is on facebook, twitter, and/or South Windsor web site. Members were asked to send additional comments to all members via email. The topic will be further discussed at February OSTF meeting.
Next discussed was input for Planning and Zoning that might be added to the Plan of Conservation and Development. It was decided that anything concerning our vision over the next ten years for OSTF should be presented at the January 31 meeting, which Pat or Louise will attend. We have ten minutes to get our ideas across. We explored where we were going and decided that there should continue to be a linkage with other groups. One suggestion was that we should decide how much open space we hoped to acquire in the next ten years, using number of acres and/or location such as along the Connecticut River. We looked at the fact that state statute 824 allows us to keep 0.5 % of property sales~in an open space account. Another idea is to set aside monies each year in the town budget for maintenance of those lands that we have developed for passive participation, thus ensuring their upkeep. We wonder what happened to all money that P&Z acquired in lieu of open space.  Pat will write up our ideas and send them to us for comment before she speaks.
Jeff was absent so Debris removal on open space will be on February agenda.
No OSTF member had other new business.
Old Business: The chairman gave updates on property in which we are interested.  
  • The present firehouse property (765 Sullivan) was presented as Dr. Anwar had stated earlier.
  • 124 Sullivan Avenue (old firehouse) will either be sold or used for a multi-town animal shelter.
  • Matulis property is still in litigation.
  • Gorsky property is a “pending”
  • Priest property: A medical building will connect to the bike and walking trails on this property.
  • Cornerstone is still in litigation.
No OSTF member had other old business.
Correspondence/Reports: Betty Warren and Carol Heffler indicated that Jeff Folger assisted Inland/Wetlands in explaining the situation concerning the dividing of the remaining property on which the Fire House was built. The Council agreed to subdivide the property.
Helen Gallivan~sent us a letter concerning property next to the Foster Farm. We will respond with a letter directly to her.
A thank you was received from Dr. Anwar for our expressions of sympathy following his father’s death.
Other Business:  Rob O’Connor wants us to co-host a state Trail Day on Sunday, June 3, 2012 with the Wheel and Walkways Committee. They are thinking of either Wapping Park, opening up the field for parking, or a return to Donnelly property. Betty Warren expressed concern about nesting birds in the field.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 6:57.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Evans, Secretary pro tem